Friday, May 29, 2009

McLeroy Nomination Rejected... Barely

So, its finally an almost respectable day to live in Texas. While I'm extatic that this guy won't be leading the SBOE, I'm highly perturbed by the margin by which the block was able to occur.

Ah well... take the victories where you can find them in Texas.


  1. 1 vote off 19 to 11. He needed 20, scary that is, but a win is a win.

  2. For some reason, I never realized you were in Austin. I was there in February last. I went to the Atheist Experience show the first time Matt Slick called in.

  3. The Atheist Experience is conveniently on my local public access network being in Austin. Its kinda cool not having to go online to watch. My Girlfriend can't stand Matt Dillahunty though.

  4. Next time I head to Austin, I will let you know, we can get a drink or something. I will try not to kill you and cook you for supper too.

  5. How often do you come out here? It could be pretty fun. Been to the Ginger Man?

  6. Not very often, but it isn't that far for me, I am about 2.5 hours north of Dallas. I do try to make it to Schlitterbahn semi-regularly. The company I work for has a factory in Marble Falls, which I have to go to at times too, so maybe once or so a year.

  7. Great pub. Several hundred beers on tap.
